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Charting Progress: Unveiling the Impact and Future of Philippi's PEP

Writer: PediPedi

The Philippi Presidential Employment Programme (PEP) stands as the most impactful government-funded project in the Philippi Precinct in the last two years. As the project enters the third phase, we review its far-reaching influence and the initiatives set to shape its future trajectory.

A Partnership for Change

In 2021, the PEP program, facilitated by municipal EPWP departments, partnered with the City of Cape Town to address COVID-related job losses. This collaboration brought about a transformative partnership between the City and Pedi.

Pedi's ambitious proposal, approved and formally signed into an agreement in October 2021, initially received substantial funding for the first year. The project's success led to further support from the National Treasury, ensuring the continuation of the Philippi PEP initiative until June 2024.

Throughout this journey, dedicated groups of workers have been the driving force behind the success of the PEP program. The most recent and final team for this project started their contract on 30 October 2023 and will end on 28 June 2024.

A Multi-Faceted Approach to Change

The Philippi PEP operates in four distinct work streams, each with its own objectives and areas of focus.

Safety: Safety patrols and escort teams have become the frontline of security in Philippi. Patrolling thoroughfares and providing escort services for City maintenance crews, they have not only deterred criminal activities but have also contributed to enhanced safety in the community.

Safety patrols and escort teams on location in Philippi.
Number of safety escorts deployed in Philippi from July to September (Q3 2023).

Cleaning: Teams dedicated to cleanliness have tidied up streets, collected recyclables, cleared stormwater drains, and filled potholes. Their work has significantly reduced dumping in high-traffic areas, thanks to the heightened community awareness they've fostered.

PEP Cleaning teams at work across all wards in Philippi.
Waste collected from January to September (Q1-Q3 2023).

Information: Information teams have conducted surveys to gauge the impact of safety patrols, counted malfunctioning streetlights, and systematically updated stakeholder information. Their service requests to the City have ensured that issues are addressed in a timely manner.

The Information team conducting a survey in Philippi.
City Service Requests submitted from July to September (Q3 2023).

Beautification: The Philippi Arts Centre, in partnership with Pedi, has added vibrancy to the area with projects like "No dumping" signs, innovative vegetable gardens, and the iconic "Big Daddy" mural. These projects serve as a testament to the community's commitment to transformation.

Beautification team at work near the Philippi Arts Centre on Sagwityi Street in Ward 34.
Some of the artwork on display on the Big Daddy wall in Ward 35.

Future Initiatives to Look Forward To

As the program moves into its next phase, it brings with it fresh optimism. The induction of the third and final cohort in October 2023 will be accompanied by the Job Journey work-readiness course, a partnership with the FinCoach Foundation that promises to boost employment prospects for PEP graduates.

The infrastructure work on the New Eisleben Road Corridor project, aimed at addressing traffic congestion and associated crimes, is set to begin in November. This significant initiative will see active contributions from the PEP Safety, Cleaning, and Beautification streams.

The Journey Ahead

Despite the challenges and risks, the Philippi PEP project has emerged as a beacon of hope and unity for the community. With a relatively small number of participants, the impact has been profound. It has not only changed perceptions but has also infused hope and determination into the very soul of Philippi.

As the project moves forward, the commitment to its mission remains steadfast. The enduring contributions to the community's development promise a brighter, more empowered future for Philippi. The Presidential Employment Programme is not just a financial investment; it's a testament to what can be achieved when a community comes together to create lasting change.


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